

‘Experience our Coffee Coalition up close’

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News items

This page has the latest news and developments about the coffee market and FarmersDirect Coffee – from press releases to articles, and from vlogs to certifications.

Tip: Follow us on LinkedIn and YouTube for all the latest developments and news.

Coffee professionals in Tanzania

Coffee professionals from the Netherlands, affiliated with the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), were in Tanzania in May this year. There, they were visiting the plantations of African Plantations Kilimanjaro (APK), managed by Alejandro. This RVO project aims to leverage the diverse expertise and knowledge of the Dutch professionals, such as regenerative farming and soil management, to cultivate better and more sustainable coffee. Additionally, European guidelines are being discussed to ensure full transparency and to align coffee cultivation in Tanzania with the needs and preferences of the Dutch importer and consumer.

Watch video 'Journey RVO to African Plantations Kilimanjaro in Tanzania'
Watch video 'Journey RVO to African Plantations Kilimanjaro in Tanzania' 8:11

Important goals in Tanzania

In Tanzania, FarmersDirect Coffee is committed to empowering local farmers in the art of coffee cultivation. Through a series of strategic steps, we enable agricultural expansion, while simultaneously driving down production costs and boosting yields. Our mission extends beyond only productivity; by guiding farmers towards environmentally responsible practices, we ensure compliance with European standards, notably in reducing CO2 emissions.


Explore how our collaborative efforts forge a splendid joint strategy, and uncover the forthcoming stages in this transformative journey.

Watch video 'Important goals in Tanzania for FarmersDirect Coffee'
Watch video 'Important goals in Tanzania for FarmersDirect Coffee' 2:08

Sustainable agriculture is an art

Take a look at our recent visit to Nova Resende Nucleus Farm, owned by Raoul Ribose, located in Nova Resende, southern Minas Gerais, Cooxupe. 


We discussed with Raul all the inputs used in this 45-year-old plot, which averages 40-45 bags per hectare. They’ve been using organic mineral compounds for 30 years, managing the weed with cutters. Sometimes a systemic product is used to combat rust disease, with at most one spray. This is an incredible combination of good climate, terroir, good varieties (even from the 70s), altitude, and excellent soil fertiltity exploitation.


Agriculture is an art and agronomy is a science. But it’s rather tougher to be an artist. 


In this video you will see how we do it! 

Watch video 'Sustainable Farming at Nova Resende Nucleus Farm'
Watch video 'Sustainable Farming at Nova Resende Nucleus Farm' 2:04

Regenerative agriculture pays off!

Take a look at our recent visit to the Amaris farm, owned by Ribamar Miranda, located in Nova Resende, southern Minas Gerais, Brazil. This farm has been a pioneer in sustainable practices since 1979.


This particular plot stands out for its impressive yield of 40-45 bags of green coffee per hectare, thanks to its focus on regenerative agriculture. In September 2024, we plan to further explore the soil health by analyzing its macro and micro-elements, essential for the sustainability and yield of our coffee.


Watch our video to discover more! Opening up the coffee chain.

Watch video 'Recent visit to the Amaris farm - Brazil'
Watch video 'Recent visit to the Amaris farm - Brazil' 1:53

Embracing Well-Being Society 6.0

In the pursuit of a better future that's sustainable and fair for everyone, Well-Being Society 6.0 shines as a beacon of hope. It's all about looking at society in a new way, one that cares for the environment, values fairness, and thinks about the long-term well-being of all people. Instead of just focusing on making money, this new approach puts people and the planet first. Let's break down what this shift means...

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Consumer wants verifiable proof

FarmersDirect Coffee has concluded from a consumer survey that the Dutch want a fair and transparent coffee industry, but are reluctant to invest themselves. It highlights the urgent need for sustainability in the coffee industry, given global regulations and the impact of coffee farming on the planet. The research points to a shift in awareness, with consumers becoming more curious about where their coffee comes from and the processes behind it.  


Key findings show that a large proportion of the Dutch consider regenerative agriculture (83%) and greater understanding of the coffee supply chain (55%) important. There is a call for fairness in the distribution of coffee revenues, with a notable difference between the preference of the Dutch (44.6% to the farmer) and the global average (about 1% to the farmer).  


Read the entire article by duurzaamondernemen.nl on this survey here (in Dutch).

Read article

Join the coffee revolution:

become a co-owner of FarmersDirect Coffee.  


On November 14, our sharefunding campaign was launched on Eyevestor! This provides everyone with the unique opportunity to be a part of our solution.   


The coffee industry faces significant challenges, from deforestation to underpaid farmers and unsustainable agriculture. We are the sole provider of an integral solution to enable a more sustainable and 100% transparent coffee supply chain. And you can be a part of it!  


With the help of investors, we aim to expand and optimize our innovative data-driven approach in a way that benefits everyone in the chain, from farmers and transporters to supermarkets and consumers. Our digital solution offers blockchain verification from bean to cup, fostering direct trade between farmers and end-users, presenting a roadmap towards nature-inclusive coffee cultivation, ensuring complete CO2 verification, and implementing deforestation control. Through digitally irrefutable data, we forge a new chain—one that is fully transparent, equitable, and sustainable.  


Click on the link for an article by Techvisor on this initiative (in Dutch).

More info Eyevestor

Article VMT on our revolutionary initiatives

Exciting announcement! FarmersDirect Coffee was interviewed by VMT, highlighting the revolutionary initiatives of our company in guiding transparency into the coffee supply chain through open-source blockchain technology.


Read the full VMT article:https://www.vmt.nl/FarmersDirect Coffee 


Reasons mentioned for why FarmersDirect Coffee is at the forefront:

• Regenerative agriculture: maximizing profits for farmers while supporting regenerative farming practices;

• Open-source blockchain: ensuring transparency and traceability across the entire coffee supply chain;

• Long-term partnerships: establishing sustainable, enduring relationships between farmers and buyers; 

• Global impact: mitigating CO2 emissions through collaborations and technologies.  


FarmersDirect Coffee isn't merely a coffee brand; it is a movement towards a sustainable and transparent coffee industry!

Simexco officially joins the Coffee Coalition

When joining the Coffee Coalition of FarmersDirect Coffee it offers a pathway to sustainable coffee growth, utilizing the digital systems to achieve cost reduction, improved yields, and a lower CO2 footprint.  


We are happy to announce that cooperation Simexco in Vietnam officially joins our Coffee Coalition and by doing so they can help their farmers with this regenerative way of coffee production, the way of farming for the future.  


Watch the several movies about this collaboration on our youtube channel.

Watch video 'Announcement: Collaboration with Simexco Daklak Vietnam'
Watch video 'Announcement: Collaboration with Simexco Daklak Vietnam' 1:02

How to implement the 8 steps in Vietnam

Every step of the Integrated Crop Management is explained by agronomists Douwe van Dongera and Eduardo Sampiao. Crucial measures for farmers, as this coherent sequence can significantly contribute to farmers achieving a greater reduction in their CO2 footprint, lowering costs, and enhancing soil conditions. These improvements, in turn, naturally result in higher yields. Looking ahead, this approach represents the sole sustainable farming method, applicable not only to coffee producers but to all types of farmers.


Our youtube channel also features an interview with Douwe and Ward de Groote about the promising partnership with Simexco, a leading Vietnamese cooperative. The collaboration aims to help farmers improve soil quality with these 8 steps and transfer knowledge about regenerative agriculture, ushering in a new era of sustainable cultivation.

Watch video 'The 8 steps of Integrated Crop Management'
Watch video 'The 8 steps of Integrated Crop Management' 2:41

Game-changing solution offers help

The EU is taking a hard measure against deforestation, and rightfully so. A recently instated regulation requires all operators and retailers in the supply chain of coffee, cocao, rubber and many other commodities to prove that their products are deforestation-free by 2025. The deadline is approaching fast and the consequences of non-compliance are severe - a 4% fine of the annual turnover. FarmersDirect Coffee has developed a game-changing solution to help all concerns with this major regulatory challenge, while ensuring a healthier climate and fairer trade.   


Business Insider NL interviewed our co-founder Cees Homburg and regulation-specialist Luc Rosmalen on the topic.  


Read the full interview (in Dutch).

Watch video "Empowering Vietnamese coffee farmers and reducing CO2 emissions"
Watch video "Empowering Vietnamese coffee farmers and reducing CO2 emissions" 1:35

Inspiring stories from the coffee regions of Brazil

In a series of vlogs, Cees Homburg and Ward de Groote share inspiring stories and the latest developments about their energising journey through the coffee regions of Brazil. This included meeting esteemed coffee producers and exploring innovative approaches to improve biodiversity and soil quality. During this visit, the focus was on regenerative cultivation practices and crop monitoring techniques in relation to coffee production and regenerative cultivation methods. Follow their journey and participate in the mission to transform the coffee industry.   Link to entire series: Brazil 2023


Watch 1st video "Brazil 2023"
Watch 1st video "Brazil 2023" 1.27

Fair coffee by prioritising

Watch this video of Eduardo Sampaio explaining the coffee planting process at Farroupilha farm, Brazil. Discover how we prioritize traceability, transparency, and sustainability by sourcing beans directly from our farmers. By putting farmers first, we offer fair and high-quality coffee.

Interested in joining our coffee coalition and helping us open up the coffee chain together? Let's work towards a more transparent, traceable, and sustainable coffee industry with the help of open-source blockchain technology.

Watch video "Coffee planting process Farroupilha Farm"
Watch video "Coffee planting process Farroupilha Farm" 1:24

How parameters can help in sustainable coffee farming

Agriculture and horticulture sustainability expert Douwe van Dongera explains how he helps FarmersDirect Coffee grow coffee sustainably. Within FarmersDirect Coffee, he is involved in two projects. One is setting up a cultivation registration app to make cultivation even more sustainable. This uses 8 agricultural scientific parameters. Next to that is he working togheter with Wageningen University to properly map the carbon footprint in coffee cultivation. A good sustainability model for coffee cultivation is only possible if you start at the beginning. Healthy soil gives healthy plants. 


Watch video "Integrated crop management in 8 steps"
Watch video "Integrated crop management in 8 steps" 2:16

Participation from Vietnam

Simexco in Vietnam has found a strong partner in Green Coffee and blockchain in FarmersDirect Coffee. Watch Ward de Groote's journey into the centre of robusta production in Vietnam and discover the collaboration we have developed here over the past year. Opening up the coffee chain.

Watch video "Farmers App explained"
Watch video "Farmers App explained" 7:30

Reunion between founders of UTZ Certified

What a memorable and heartwarming moment, a special reunion between the two founders of UTZ Certified, Nick Bocklandt and Ward de Groote, in Guatemala. The founders of UTZ Certified have known each other for more than 25 years and were both inspired by the same vision: ‘Making sustainable coffee available for the global market and create a positive impact of sustainable farming techniques over the whole world’. Watch this special interview.  

Watch video "FDC Interview Nick Bocklandt"
Watch video "FDC Interview Nick Bocklandt" 3:10


On our YouTube channel, watch the beautiful vlogs Ward de Groote made during his coffee travels. For example, he was in Brazil to visit various coffee farmers and cooperatives and in Central America to help coffee farmers start efficient and sustainable coffee growing.


YouTube FarmersDirect Coffee

Vlogs KoffiePlantje